This survey is for OnCore users in departments who have been fully deployed in OnCore. All New OnCore Users that have not been trained in OnCore must complete the required trainings before they can be granted access or be added to OnCore. You can visit our website for the steps on Training and Access.

If the survey is not marked completed, an alert will not notify the administrator of your request. You will receive an email notification from redcap with a return code, save the return code in case you have to modify your request. 

Please submit your request in a timely manner to ensure there is sufficient time to make any necessary changes before open to accrual. We highly recommend submitting your intake request during the study startup phase.

Required Documents: Please upload all documents you have pertaining to the study to allow a thorough and sufficient Oncore Build and Coverage Analysis. See below the list of documents to upload. 

Thank you!

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